Can the Hayati Due Mesh 7000 Vape be Used with Different Types of E-Liquids?

Vaping has become a popular alternative to traditional smoking, offering a variety of flavors and experiences. The Hayati Due Mesh 7000 is one such vaping device that has garnered attention for its design and performance. A critical question for many users is whether this device can be used with different types of e-liquids. This comprehensive blog post will explore this question in detail, examining the device's compatibility with various e-liquids, its technical specifications, and user experiences.

Understanding the Hayati Due Mesh 7000

Before diving into the compatibility of the Hayati Due Mesh 7000 with different e-liquids, it's essential to understand the device itself. The Hayati Due Mesh 7000 is a high-performance vaping device known for its mesh coil technology. This technology ensures better flavor and vapor production by providing a larger surface area for the e-liquid to evaporate.

Technical Specifications

The Hayati Due Mesh 7000 boasts several impressive technical specifications:

  • Battery Capacity: 7000mAh

  • Coil Type: Mesh Coil

  • Wattage Range: 5W-200W

  • Tank Capacity: 6ml

  • Adjustable Airflow: Yes

  • Material: Stainless Steel and Pyrex Glass

  • Dimensions: 90mm x 45mm x 30mm

These specifications indicate that the device is designed for robust performance, making it suitable for various vaping styles and preferences.

Types of E-Liquids

E-liquids, also known as vape juices, come in different types, primarily categorized by their base ingredients and nicotine content. The main types include:

  1. Propylene Glycol (PG) E-Liquids: Known for delivering a strong throat hit, these e-liquids are popular among ex-smokers. They are thinner and produce less vapor.

  2. Vegetable Glycerin (VG) E-Liquids: These provide a smoother throat hit and produce thicker vapor clouds. VG e-liquids are thicker in consistency.

  3. PG/VG Blends: These e-liquids combine the benefits of both PG and VG, offering a balanced throat hit and vapor production.

  4. Nicotine Salt E-Liquids: These e-liquids use nicotine salts found in tobacco leaves, providing a smoother nicotine hit at higher concentrations.

  5. CBD E-Liquids: Infused with CBD (cannabidiol), these e-liquids are used for therapeutic purposes without the psychoactive effects of THC.

Compatibility with PG E-Liquids

Viscosity and Coil Wicking

PG e-liquids are thinner in consistency, which means they wick more easily through the cotton in the mesh coils of the Hayati Due Mesh 7000. This can be advantageous as it reduces the risk of dry hits and ensures a more consistent vaping experience.

Flavor and Throat Hit

The mesh coil technology in the Hayati Due Mesh 7000 is designed to enhance flavor production. PG e-liquids, known for their strong flavor delivery, work well with this device, providing a satisfying throat hit. Users who prefer a sharper, more pronounced flavor will find this combination appealing.

Compatibility with VG E-Liquids

Viscosity and Coil Wicking

VG e-liquids are thicker than PG e-liquids, which can pose a challenge for some vaping devices. However, the Hayati Due Mesh 7000's mesh coil design is well-suited for handling thicker liquids. The large surface area of the mesh coil allows for efficient wicking and vaporization of VG e-liquids, reducing the likelihood of dry hits.

Vapor Production

VG e-liquids are known for producing dense vapor clouds. When used with the Hayati Due Mesh 7000, users can expect impressive vapor production, making it an excellent choice for those who enjoy cloud chasing. The adjustable airflow feature of the device further enhances this experience, allowing users to customize their vapor production to their liking.

Compatibility with PG/VG Blends

Balance of Throat Hit and Vapor Production

PG/VG blends are popular because they offer a balance between throat hit and vapor production. The Hayati Due Mesh 7000 is versatile enough to handle these blends effectively. Users can enjoy a balanced vaping experience with good flavor and ample vapor, making it a suitable choice for those who prefer versatility in their vaping sessions.

User Experience

Users of the Hayati Due Mesh 7000 have reported positive experiences with PG/VG blends. The device's ability to handle different viscosity levels without compromising performance is a significant advantage, making it a reliable option for various e-liquid types.

Compatibility with Nicotine Salt E-Liquids

Smooth Nicotine Delivery

Nicotine salt e-liquids are formulated to provide a smoother nicotine hit at higher concentrations. The Hayati Due Mesh 7000 can be used with nicotine salt e-liquids, particularly at lower wattage settings. This allows users to experience a satisfying nicotine hit without the harsh throat hit that can occur with freebase nicotine at high concentrations.

Coil Longevity

One consideration when using nicotine salt e-liquids is coil longevity. Nicotine salts can be more corrosive to coils over time. However, the durable construction of the Hayati Due Mesh 7000's mesh coils helps mitigate this issue, providing a longer coil life even with regular use of nicotine salt e-liquids.

Compatibility with CBD E-Liquids

Therapeutic Benefits

CBD e-liquids are used for their potential therapeutic benefits, such as reducing anxiety and pain. The Hayati Due Mesh 7000 can effectively vaporize CBD e-liquids, allowing users to experience these benefits. The device's consistent performance ensures that users can rely on it for their CBD vaping needs.

Flavor and Vapor Production

CBD e-liquids often have unique flavors, and the mesh coil technology of the Hayati Due Mesh 7000 enhances these flavors, providing a pleasant vaping experience. Additionally, the device's vapor production capabilities ensure that users can enjoy substantial vapor clouds, which can be particularly enjoyable with flavored CBD e-liquids.

Practical Tips for Using Different E-Liquids

To maximize the performance and longevity of the Hayati Due Mesh 7000 when using different e-liquids, consider the following practical tips:

Priming the Coils

Always prime the coils before first use by applying a few drops of e-liquid directly onto the coil. This ensures the cotton is saturated and helps prevent dry hits.

Adjusting Wattage

Adjust the wattage settings according to the type of e-liquid being used. For example, lower wattages are generally better for nicotine salts, while higher wattages can enhance the flavor and vapor production of VG e-liquids.

Regular Cleaning

Regularly clean the tank and coils to remove any residue build-up. This helps maintain the device's performance and extends the life of the coils.

Monitoring E-Liquid Levels

Keep an eye on e-liquid levels to avoid running the tank dry, which can damage the coils. Refill the tank before it gets too low to ensure a continuous supply of e-liquid to the coils.

User Experiences and Reviews

User reviews and experiences provide valuable insights into the performance of the Hayati Due Mesh 7000 with different e-liquids. Many users have praised the device for its versatility and ability to handle various e-liquids without compromising on flavor or vapor production.

Positive Feedback

  • Flavor Quality: Users consistently report that the device delivers excellent flavor, especially with PG e-liquids and PG/VG blends.

  • Vapor Production: The thick vapor clouds produced by VG e-liquids are a highlight for many users, with the adjustable airflow enhancing this experience.

  • Ease of Use: The device is user-friendly, with straightforward controls and easy maintenance, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced vapers.

Areas for Improvement

  • Battery Life: While the 7000mAh battery is robust, heavy users may find themselves needing to recharge more frequently.

  • Coil Durability: Some users have noted that the mesh coils, while durable, still require regular replacement, especially when using nicotine salt e-liquids.


The Hayati Due Mesh 7000 is a versatile and high-performing vaping device suitable for a wide range of e-liquids. Its mesh coil technology, adjustable wattage, and robust construction make it compatible with PG, VG, PG/VG blends, nicotine salts, and CBD e-liquids. Users can enjoy a satisfying vaping experience with excellent flavor and vapor production, regardless of their e-liquid preference.

By following practical tips such as priming the coils, adjusting wattage settings, and maintaining the device, users can maximize the performance and longevity of the Hayati Due Mesh 7000. Overall, this device stands out as a reliable option for vapers looking to explore different e-liquids and enjoy a high-quality vaping experience.

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